What is Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture (Cosmetic Acupuncture)?
It is a technique that can be used as an alternative to botox and cosmetic surgery, to promote aging gracefully. Although specific areas of the face are the main focus, attention is also paid to the rest of the body by promoting the body's most optimal level of wellness. Facial and body treatments help to support one another...you cannot have one without the other. Therefore, each treatment is designed specific to your needs.
Advantages of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture over
Cosmetic Surgery/Injections
No swelling or bruising that lasts for weeks
No physical trauma
No anesthesia
No chemicals
No time off from work
Benefits of Facial Rejuvenation & Constitutional Acupuncture Treatment
May reduce as many as 5 to 15 years from the face
Improve muscle tone and dermal contraction
Increase collagen production
Help to eliminate and reduce bags under the eyes, and decrease the tendency toward sagging and jowls
Help to eliminate puffiness by improving metabolism, and thus eliminating excess fluids
Help to eliminate fine lines of the face and has diminishing effect on larger wrinkles
Improve hormonal balance; thus, even those with hormonal acne can benefit
Moisturize the skin by the increased local circulation of blood and lymph to the face
Improve facial color by the increases of peripheral circulation
Reduce or eliminate double chins
Tighten the pores
Brighten the eyes
Help to lift drooping eyelids
Reduce stress evident in the face
Promote overall health and well being
Bring out a person’s innate beauty and radiance
Slow the aging process from within
Benefit the eyes, ear, sinuses, thyroid, and brain
How often?
The Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture Program is a series of 10-12 treatment sessions consisting of acupuncture and a gua sha facial massage. The most dramatic improvements have been seen between the 5th and 7th visits. An herbal patent formula/supplement may also be recommended not only for beauty, but also for overall constitutional health.
Periodic maintenance follow-up visits are highly recommended to maintain longer lasting results.
The treatments are given once a week or twice a week for optimal and faster results. Length of treatment is generally between 1 and 1.5 hours.
Jana Moore Capristo, LAc, MSAOM, RYT-200
Moore Acupuncture @ Commonhealth Pearl
1411 NW Raleigh Street
Portland, OR 97209
503 267 7470